
Who we are:

a core team of 3 experienced scientists with more than 100 years of proven track record in academia, R&D and the chemical and pharmaceutical industry.

What we do:

Provide highly competent and sustainable support enabling the transition to a circular economy by applying process analysis and  optimization, efficient building-block synthesis, concepts for process safety, maintenance and energy transformation thereby achieving competitive advantage and profitability.

Dr. rer. nat. Kai Rossen

  • Ph.D. in Organic Synthesis from Cornell University, NY, USA
  • Merck & Co, Rahway, NJ, USA – developed chemistry for several now commercial products (Crixivan, Arxocia, Aprepitant, Firocoxib and the catalyst Phanephos)
  • Degussa (now Evonik) – responsible for Exclusive Synthesis R&D group and contact to customers in the pharmaceutical industry
  • Sanofi – various roles covering support of medicinal chemistry to discovery and industrialization of multi-100 tons drug substance
  • Lundbeck – as VP of process chemistry built up a highly performing R&D group in Denmark
  • Euroapi, a spin-out of Sanofi focusing on API production.  As CSO defined the strategy of R&D with functional responsibility for the direction of the 350+ scientists.

Dr. rer. nat. Matthias Kummer

Ph.D. in Physical-Organic Chemistry from Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf and Technion/Haifa-Israel

BASF SE, Ludwigshafen/Germany Development of new low Formaldyde (FA) and FA-free Textile Finishing Agents and scale up to production (20 mt/batch), patented process with an annual sales of >800 t/y. Development of a state-of-the art oxidation catalyst and process optimization for a world-scale Phthalic-Anhydride plant  (120 kt/a). Implementation of know-how transfer tools for the technical community according to legal requirements.

BASF Corp. Iselin/NJ-USA Engelhard integration phase, launch of the Euro 6 catalyst sourcing- and production concept, global site selection for precious metals production.

BASF Antwerpen N.V/Belgium Effective transfer of the direct aceton amination to production scale (annual production > 5000 t/y), process optimization for the piperazine flake production meeting pharmaceutical standards, implementation of process safety measures for high-pressure amination reactions (>10 Mio €).

BASF SE, Ludwigshafen/Germany Evaluation of capital investment projects (€ 5 mn to > € 500 mn) for engineering plastics (e.g. Infinergy® for Adidas, Cellasto®) and crop-protection ingredients applying DCF methodology, preparing recommendations for the BoD.

Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Carola Kryschi

Ph.D. in Physical Chemistry from Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf.

Postdoctoral research at Stanford University (with Prof. M.D. Fayer on photon echo spectroscopy), at the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque (with Prof. V. Kenkre on coherent exciton transport), and the Academy of Sciences in Vilnius, Lithuania (with Prof. L. Valkunas on domain wall decoration in molecular crystals).

Habilitation in Experimental Physics at the Heinrich-Heine University Düsseldorf (Prof. Dankward Schmid)

Professor for Physical Chemistry at the Friedrich-Alexander-University of Erlangen

Collaborations with Creavis/Evonik for realizing printable electronics from nanoparticle inks (2004-2014) and with Siemens on the topic of Lab on a Chip.

Research projects on functionalized luminescent silicon quantum dots, superparamagnetic iron oxide nanoparticles,  plasmonic noble metal nanostructures, and magnetoplasmonic nanoheterodimers for cancer radiotherapy and in gene therapy, for optoelectronic applications (e.g., nanolasers and plasmonically controllable reactions) and wastewater treatment.

Rossen & Partner Chemical Consulting PartG